About this blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. I would like to use this blog to share some thoughts on software development, machine learning, computational chemistry, and my hobbies, such as homelab, 3D printing, photography, and maybe games (?).

About the username “tautomer”

It was the end of 2015 (or beginning of 2016). I was about to register an account for an online game the World of Warships (WoWS). I had a hard time to pick a username. Suddenly, I noticed the paper I was reading, which was sitting just by my right hand. The title of the paper was “Enol Tautomers of Watson−Crick Base Pair Models Are Metastable Because of Nuclear Quantum Effects”. Since then, I have been using this username in many different places.

About me

I am theoretical chemist trying to understand chemical reactions through molecular dynamics simulations. Currently, I am working on building a deep neural network framework for predicting excited state properties. Before joining LANL as a postdoc, I did my PhD at University of Rochester. You can download my resume here.


Work experience



For the ones listed with a cover art, I made all of them.

Technical side of this blog

This blog is made using Jekyll by Peter Roelants and is hosted on GitHub Pages. To know more how this blog is made, and how he converted notebooks to blog posts see hosting Jupyter notebooks on a blog. The gallery code is modified from this repo and the css is modified based on the gallery.css provided here. The syntax highlight theme is One Dark taken from here.

Please get in touch with me if you have any comments or questions. You can contact me via the channels below: