Distributed asynchronous parallelized hyperparameter optimization with Ray

This post is largely based on the tutorial I wrote for our hippynn package, which can be found here. This workflow has been an important part of my research work at LANL on a physics-informed neural network (PINN) for excited state properties, which was published in JCTC earlier this year. The example introduced both Ax sequential optimization and a parallel version with Ray. In this post, we will instead only focus on the Ray part.

Hyperparameter optimization is crucial for obtaining an accurate neural network. Unfortunately, finding the optimal parameters is quite often not so intuitive for us humans. As a result, automatic optimization is numerically very helpful. One popular way to achieve this is so-called Bayesian optimization. In this framework, with a user-defined parameter range, a set of trials is generated. Based on certain metrics returned from the trials, new parameters will be generated to minimize/maximize the metrics. In this post, I will show you how to efficiently distribute a Bayesian optimization task onto different GPUs or nodes simultaneously with Ray and Ax. This is especially useful if you have a relatively small network, but multiple GPUs available on a node, where it does not make sense to use multiple GPUs for one model, making sequential trials a waste of resources.

Set up the environment

The packages required to perform this task are Ax and Ray.

conda install -c conda-forge "ray < 2.7.0"
pip install ax-platform!=0.4.1

A few things to note:

  1. The scripts have been tested with ax-platform 0.4.0 and ray 2.6.3, and many previous versions of the two packages.
  2. Unfortunately, several changes made in recent versions of ray will break this script. You should install ray < 2.7.0. If you know how to make the scripts work with the latest Ray package, please let me know.
  3. pip install is recommended by the Ax developers even if a conda environment is used.
  4. As of now (Sep 2024), ax-platform 0.4.1 is broken. See the issue here. Please avoid this version in your setup.

Create the optimization workflow

The relevant codes can be found here. There are 4 files in the directories, copied from the hippynn repo.

A quick “README”:

  1. process_QM7_data.py is to convert the QM7 dataset to the format for hippynn.
  2. QM7_ax_example.py is the actual training script.
  3. ax_opt_ray.py is the script for the optimization.
  4. parameters.json is an example input file to set the parameter range for the optimization.

I will then walk you through the codes.

Define the target function

Note: even though I am using a hippynn training script as an example, this workflow is general. Any function that takes certain input values and returns a certain output can be used as the target function to obtain the optimal inputs that minimize or maximize the output.

I will not touch too much detail on hippynn and skip the technical details in the QM7_ax_example.py script. Here is the key part of the target function:

def training(dist_soft_min, dist_soft_max, dist_hard_max):
    # Log the output of python to `training_log.txt`
    with hippynn.tools.log_terminal("training_log.txt", "wt"):

        # Hyperparameters for the network

        network_params = {
            "possible_species": [0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 16],  # Z values of the elements
            "n_features": 10,  # Number of neurons at each layer
            "n_sensitivities": 10,  # Number of sensitivity functions in an interaction layer
            "dist_soft_min": dist_soft_min,  #
            "dist_soft_max": dist_soft_max,
            "dist_hard_max": dist_hard_max,
            "n_interaction_layers": 1,  # Number of interaction blocks
            "n_atom_layers": 1,  # Number of atom layers in an interaction block

        # Parameters describing the training procedure.
        from hippynn.experiment import setup_and_train

        metric_tracker = setup_and_train(

        return metric_tracker.best_metric_values

This function takes 3 input parameters dist_soft_min, dist_soft_max, dist_hard_max. They are the key cutoff distances needed by the hippynn network. We then pass these values to a dictionary (called network_params) and use this dictionary to set up the model. After some complicated procedures (replaced by “…”), we can train the model and get the return metrics (called metric_tracker). At the end of the target function, this object is returned.

Ray/Ax script

This script is a lot more complicated. I will explain the main components here.


This block is optional but could be very useful for running this script on HPC (which is most likely the case). Just like a shell script, a Python script can directly be submitted to the job scheduler as well. The beginning of the script is actually for SLURM.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# fmt: off
#SBATCH --time=4-00:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mail-type=all
#SBATCH -p gpu 
#SBATCH -J parallel_hyperopt
#SBATCH --qos=long
#SBATCH -o run.log
# black always format pure comments as of now
# add some codes here to keep SLURM derivatives valid
import json
import os
import sys
import warnings

# SLURM copies the script to a tmp folder
# so to find the local package `training` we need add cwd to path
# per https://stackoverflow.com/a/39574373/7066315
# fmt: on
  1. # fmt: off and # fmt: on are used to tell black to not format this block. Otherwise, black will automatically add a space between “#” and “SBATCH”, causing these commands to unrecognizable for SLURM. However, this derivative does not work if the block has pure comments, so I had to add some imports here to make it not “pure comments”.

  2. You might have noticed the line sys.path.append(os.getcwd()). As the SO question shows, if your target function is a “local import”, i.e., sitting in a separate file (not within a package) and imported to the Ray script, running the script in SLURM will cause an import error. The solution is to add the cwd (current working directory) to PATH.


Then we will import the rest of the required packages.

import shutil

import numpy as np
import ray
from ax.core import Trial as AXTrial
from ax.service.ax_client import AxClient
from ax.service.utils.instantiation import ObjectiveProperties
from QM7_ax_example import training
from ray import air, tune
from ray.air import session
from ray.tune.experiment.trial import Trial
from ray.tune.logger import JsonLoggerCallback, LoggerCallback
from ray.tune.search import ConcurrencyLimiter
from ray.tune.search.ax import AxSearch

# to make sure ray loads correct the local package
ray.init(runtime_env={"working_dir": "."})
  1. Note that the target function training is locally imported from QM7_ax_example.
  2. While sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) is needed to find the local import file with SLURM, ray.init(runtime_env={"working_dir": "."}) serves the same purpose, but for Ray. Without this line, Ray will NOT be able to import the training function.

Wrap the training function for Ray + Ax

We need to wrap the training function once again so that it can be used for Ray and Ax.

def evaluate(parameters: dict, checkpoint_dir=None):
    Evaluate a trial for QM7

        parameter (dict): Python dictionary for trial values of HIPNN hyperparameters.
        checkpoint_dir (str, optional): To enable checkpoints for ray. Defaults to None.

        dict : Loss metrics to be minimized.

    out = training(**parameters)

    session.report({"Metric": out["valid"]["Loss"]})
  1. The object returned from the training function is a dictionary, containing many different metrics. We might want to do some mathematical expressions on these metrics or have some freedom in choosing the metrics without the need to directly modify the training function.

  2. To correctly return the metric to Ray, we need the line session.report({"Metric": out["valid"]["Loss"]}). One key thing to note is that in the returned dictionary {"Metric": out["valid"]["Loss"]}, the key “Metric” has to match whatever is defined in the Ax experiment. This will be clearer when we go through the codes to create an Ax experiment in Section Create an experiment.

  3. Ray will handle the working directory for each trial, so do NOT do this yourself in either training or evaluate. Just leave this to Ray.

This function evaluate will be the actual target function for our optimization.

Ray callbacks

This part is rather complicated, and I do not want to go through the details, either. Just to briefly summarize, this piece of code is responsible for,

  1. Saving the Ax experiment status after each trial,
  2. Additional handling of failed trials, especially the ones that do not raise an error but result in a NaN or inf output, which are effectively failed trials,
  3. Calculate elapsed time for each trial.

For most cases, copying & pasting this snippet into your Ray script should be enough.

class AxLogger(LoggerCallback):
    def __init__(self, ax_client: AxClient, json_name: str, csv_name: str):
        A logger callback to save the progress to json file after every trial ends.
        Similar to running `ax_client.save_to_json_file` every iteration in sequential

            ax_client (AxClient): ax client to save
            json_name (str): name for the json file. Append a path if you want to save the \
                json file to somewhere other than cwd.
            csv_name (str): name for the csv file. Append a path if you want to save the \
                csv file to somewhere other than cwd.
        self.ax_client = ax_client
        self.json = json_name
        self.csv = csv_name

    def log_trial_end(
        self, trial: Trial, id: int, metric: float, runtime: int, failed: bool = False
        shutil.copy(self.json, f"{trial.local_dir}/{self.json}")
            data_frame = self.ax_client.get_trials_data_frame().sort_values("Metric")
            data_frame.to_csv(self.csv, header=True)
        except KeyError:
        shutil.copy(self.csv, f"{trial.local_dir}/{self.csv}")
        if failed:
            status = "failed"
            status = "finished"
            f"AX trial {id} {status}. Final loss: {metric}. Time taken"
            f" {runtime} seconds. Location directory: {trial.local_path}."

    def on_trial_error(self, iteration: int, trials: list[Trial], trial: Trial, **info):
        id = int(trial.experiment_tag.split("_")[0]) - 1
        ax_trial = self.ax_client.get_trial(id)
        ax_trial.mark_abandoned(reason="Error encountered")
            trial, id + 1, "not available", self.calculate_runtime(ax_trial), True

    def on_trial_complete(
        self, iteration: int, trials: list["Trial"], trial: Trial, **info
        # trial.trial_id is the random id generated by ray, not ax
        # the default experiment_tag starts with ax' trial index
        # but this workaround is totally fragile, as users can
        # customize the tag or folder name
        id = int(trial.experiment_tag.split("_")[0]) - 1
        ax_trial = self.ax_client.get_trial(id)
        failed = False
            loss = ax_trial.objective_mean
        except ValueError:
            failed = True
            loss = "not available"
            if np.isnan(loss) or np.isinf(loss):
                failed = True
                loss = "not available"
        if failed:
            trial, id + 1, loss, self.calculate_runtime(ax_trial), failed

    def calculate_runtime(cls, trial: AXTrial):
        delta = trial.time_completed - trial.time_run_started
        return int(delta.total_seconds())

Initialize the search space

The following code will initialize a basic search space for an Ax experiment. I made it possible that the parameters can either be directly provided inside the script or from a json file passed as an argument to the script. The second way is very handy if the script is under version control and you do not want to get diffs because of modifying the search space.

# initialize the client and experiment.
if __name__ == "__main__":

        "\nMake sure to modify the dataset path in QM7_ax_example.py before running this example.\n"
        "For this test (Ray parallelized optimization), you MUST provide an absolute path to the dataset."

    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as param:
            parameters = json.load(param)
        parameters = [
                "name": "dist_soft_min",
                "type": "range",
                "value_type": "float",
                "bounds": [0.5, 1.5],
                "name": "dist_soft_max",
                "type": "range",
                "value_type": "float",
                "bounds": [3.0, 20.0],
                "name": "dist_hard_max",
                "type": "range",
                "value_type": "float",
                "bounds": [5.0, 40.0],

The search space for Ax is a list of dictionaries with each parameter having its own dictionary. Commonly, the dictionary can have these keys,

    "name": "dist_hard_max",
    "type": "range",
    "value_type": "float",
    "log_scale": True,
    "bounds": [5.0, 40.0],
  1. name is the name for the variable, which should correspond to an input variable of the target function.
  2. type has three valid choices, fixed (one fixed value), range (a list of two elements corresponding to the lower and upper bounds), and choice (a list of possible choices).
  3. value_type is the data type of the value, which can be omitted. However, sometimes you want to control the datatype if an integer should be used.
  4. log_scale is an optional variable to switch Ax’s parameter-generating strategy from linear to log.
  5. The last key can be value for fixed or bounds for range and choices, where the actual search space is provided here.

Create/restart/extend an Ax experiment

In this section, we create or reload an experiment. Note that for an already finished experiment, it is possible to reload it, and increase the total number of trials, which will effectively extend the experiment. The newly added trials will have parameters generated from the inherited history of the previous experiment.

if restart:
    ax_client = AxClient.load_from_json_file(filepath="hyperopt_ray.json")
    # update existing experiment
    # `immutable_search_space_and_opt_config` has to be False
    # when the experiment was created
    ax_client = AxClient(
            "Metric": ObjectiveProperties(minimize=True),
        # slightly more overhead
        # but make it possible to adjust the experiment setups
            "dist_soft_min <= dist_soft_max",
            "dist_soft_max <= dist_hard_max",
Create an experiment

Let us take a look at the else branch first. To create an Ax experiment, first initialize an empty AxClient object. Here it is important to set enforce_sequential_optimization to false so that we can parallelize the trials. Next, we will fill in some details.

  1. name is pretty much self-explanatory.
  2. parameters is the search space we have defined/read previously.
  3. objectives is a dictionary for the goals of this experiment.
    1. The dictionary keys, for example, Metric here, MUST match the keys in the dictionary returned from session.report in your target function.
    2. ObjectiveProperties defines whether you want to minimize (minimize=True) or maximize (minimize=False) the metric. This class also has an argument called threshold. If a threshold is given and the returned metric is beyond the threshold, Ax will not use this trial when generating the next trial.
    3. I would recommend only using one objective here. If you have multiple metrics to be optimized, do a mathematical expression when the target function wrapper is defined and pass that variable to session.report.

You can provide some basic constraints to the search space through parameter_constraints. It is a list of strings. In each string, you can provide a conditional between two parameters. Note that a conditional containing mathematical expressions will not work, for example, “dist_soft_max <= 2 * dist_hard_max”.

immutable_search_space_and_opt_config will make it possible to modify the settings of the experiment after the experiment is created. This is especially useful if you want to restart or extend the experiment.

Restart/extend an experiment

Restarting an experiment or adding additional trials to an experiment shares the same workflow. The key is the JSON file saved from the callback functions. An experiment state can be restored using

ax_client = AxClient.load_from_json_file(filepath="hyperopt_ray.json")

where the JSON file contains everything about this experiment til the moment the file is saved. If immutable_search_space_and_opt_config is set to false, you can also alter the settings, for example, the search space, after reloading.

To extend the experiment, simply set the num_samples to the desired value in the following Ray section.

Note that due to the complexity of handling the individual trial path with Ray, it is not possible to restart unfinished trials at this moment.

Ray interface

Then we will use the Ax interface in Ray to perform the optimization. We first create an interface and set a limit to the number of parallelized jobs. The callback is also initialized to save the progress and summary.

# run the optimization Loop.
algo = AxSearch(ax_client=ax_client)
algo = ConcurrencyLimiter(algo, max_concurrent=4)
ax_logger = AxLogger(ax_client, "hyperopt_ray.json", "hyperopt.csv")
tuner = tune.Tuner(
    tune.with_resources(evaluate, resources={"gpu": 1}),
    tune_config=tune.TuneConfig(search_alg=algo, num_samples=8),
        callbacks=[ax_logger, JsonLoggerCallback()],

For the ray.tune.Tuner class, two variables can be useful. One is the total number of trials num_samples. The other is the local_dir variable. The files will be saved into ./{local_dir}/{trial_function_name}_{timestamp} where the progress file hyperopt_ray.json and summary hyperopt.csv will be saved. Each trial will have its own subfolder named {trial_function_name}_{random_id}_{index}_{truncated_parameters}. You do not have to handle the working directory in your target function. In fact, you should NOT do that. Just leave it to Ray.

Finally, running tuner.fit() will automatically distribute the tasks to the resources you have collected.

Originally published on September 18, 2024.
Machine Learning Neural Network Coding Python Torch