ASE Calculators
Hippynn models can be used with ase
to perform molecular dynamics or other tests.
To build an ASE calculator, you must pass the node associated with energy. Example:
from hippynn.interfaces.ase_interface import HippynnCalculator
energy_node = model.node_from_name("energy")
calc = HippynnCalculator(energy_node,en_unit=units.eV)
Take note of the en_unit
and dist_unit
parameters for the calculator.
These parameters inform the calculator what units the model consumes and produces for energy and
for distance. If unspecified, the en_unit
is kcal/mol, and the dist_unit
is angstrom.
Whatever units your model uses, the output of the calculator will be in the ase
unit system,
which has energy in eV and distance in Angstroms.
Given an ase atoms object, one can assign the calculator:
atoms.calc = calc
And proceed to perform whatever simulation is desired.
The HippynnCalculator
also supports a charge node for charge and dipole predictions,
and generates calculations for force and stress based on the energy using pytorch’s
automatic differentiation capabilities.