LAMMPS interface

Hippynn models can be created from the LAMMPS ML-IAP Unified Abstract Base Class via MLIAPInterface. These models can used to calculate LAMMPS interatomic potentials.

To build a LAMMPS ML-IAP Unified model, you must pass the node associated with energy, a list of species atomic symbols (whose order must agree with the order of the training hyperparameter possible_species), and optionally the device to which to process torch data (e.g. "cpu" or "cuda").


bundle = load_checkpoint_from_cwd(map_location="cpu", restart_db=False)
model = bundle["training_modules"].model
energy_node = model.node_from_name("HEnergy")
unified = MLIAPInterface(energy_node, ["Al"], model_device=torch.device("cuda")), "")

After creating the Unified object, to perform a LAMMPS simulation you may pickle or it for use with a LAMMPS input script. Example:

pair_style  mliap unified 0
pair_coeff  * * Al

You may also load it directly into LAMMPS from the mliappy Python library. Example:

import lammps.mliap
from lammps.mliap.mliap_unified_lj import MLIAPUnifiedLJ
unified = MLIAPUnifiedLJ(["Ar"])

Note that you must call lammps.mliap.activate_mliappy() before loading the unified model. Here before_loading would be a string of commands up to but not including the pair_style mliap unified command in lammps, and after loading would be the commands to run including the pair_style command and anything to run afterwards.