- Requirements:
- Optional Dependencies:
triton (recommended, for improved GPU performance)
numba (recommended, for improved CPU/GPU performance)
cupy (alternative for accelerating GPU performance)
ASE (for usage with ase and other misc. features)
matplotlib (for plotting)
tqdm (for progress bars)
graphviz (for visualizing model graphs)
h5py (for loading ani-h5 datasets)
pytorch-lightning (for distributed training)
opt_einsum (backend for accelerating some pytorch expressions)
- Interfacing codes:
Installation Instructions
We recommend installation from source, although you can also get hippynn from conda and pypi, see below. A base installation of hippynn only requires pytorch (installation instructions) and numpy (installation instructions). We recommend you install these first using your package manager of choice, then proceed to install hippynn.
Installing hippynn from source
Installing hippynn from source is an easy process. hippynn is written in pure python, so you will not need to worry about having compilers or interpreters for additional languages.
Clone the hippynn repository and navigate into it, e.g.:
$ git clone
$ cd hippynn
$ pip install -e .
The -e
specifies an editable install, that is, python will import hippynn from
the current directory, which will allow you to tinker with hippynn if you so choose.
If numpy and pytorch are not currently installed, this command will install them using pip.
Once hippynn is installed, you can proceed to add optional packages as needed for various extended functionality.
Install Optional Dependencies using conda
Install dependencies from conda using recommended channels:
$ conda install -c pytorch -c conda-forge --file conda_requirements.txt
If you wish to do a cpu-only install, you may need to comment
out cupy
from the conda_requirements.txt file.
Install Optional Dependencies using pip
Pip will have already checked for the minimum requirements when you performed:
$ pip install -e .
If you would like to get all optional dependencies from pip:
$ pip install -e .[full]
On a recent mac with zsh instead of bash, this command must be escaped as:
% pip install -e .\[full\]
Install hippynn from Conda
Install using conda:
$ conda install -c conda-forge hippynn
Install hippynn from Pip
Minimal Install using pip:
$ pip install hippynn
All optional dependencies with pip:
$ pip install hippynn[full]
On a recent mac with zsh instead of bash, this command must be escaped as:
% pip install hippynn\[full\]
Note on installing cupy with conda
When using conda, sometimes both pytorch and cupy try to install cuda toolkit components, but using different and conflicting mechanisms. If you encounter difficulties with using a GPU after installing cupy, we recommend trying uninstalling it from conda and installing it from pypi. Link to cupy installation instructions
Misc. Notes
Install dependencies with pip from requirements.txt .
Install dependencies with conda from conda_requirements.txt .
If you don’t want pip to install them, conda install from file before installing
. You may want to use -c pytorch for the pytorch channel. For ase and cupy, you probably want to use -c conda-forge.Optional dependencies are in optional_dependencies.txt