Pure pytorch implementation of envsum operations.
Note that these implementations are usually replaced by custom cuda kernels,
as explained in the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation.
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from .registry import MessagePassingKernels
def envsum(sensitivities: Tensor, features: Tensor, pair_first: Tensor, pair_second: Tensor) -> Tensor:
Computes outer product of sensitivities of pairs and atom features from pair_second,
whilst accumulating them onto indices pair_first.
See the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation for more information.
:param sensitivities: (n_pairs, n_sensitivities) floating point tensor
:param features: (n_atoms, n_features) floating point tensor
:param pair_first: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating first atom of pair
:param pair_second: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating second atom of pair
:return: env (n_atoms, n_sensitivities, n_features) floating tensor
n_pairs, n_nu = sensitivities.shape
n_atom, n_feat = features.shape
pair_features = features[pair_second].unsqueeze(1)
sensitivities = sensitivities.unsqueeze(2)
pair_env_features = sensitivities * pair_features
env_features = torch.zeros((n_atom, n_nu, n_feat), device=features.device, dtype=features.dtype)
env_features.index_add_(0, pair_first, pair_env_features)
return env_features
def sensesum(env, features, pair_first, pair_second):
Computes product of environment at pair_first with features from pair_second,
whilst summing over feature indices.
See the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation for more information.
:param env: (n_atoms, n_sensitivities, n_features) floating tensor
:param features: (n_atoms, n_features) floating point tensor
:param pair_first: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating first atom of pair
:param pair_second: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating second atom of pair
:return: sense (n_pairs, n_sensitivities) floating point tensor
n_atoms, n_nu, n_feat = env.shape
pair_env = env[pair_first]
pair_feat = features[pair_second]
# sense = torch.einsum("psf,pf->ps", pair_env, pair_feat) # einsum notation; should be completely equivalent
sense = torch.bmm(pair_env, pair_feat.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) # bmm
return sense
def featsum(env, sense, pair_first, pair_second):
Compute inner product of sensitivities with environment tensor over atoms
from pair_first, while accumulating them on to pair_second.
The summation order is different from envsum because this
signature naturally supports the use of featsum as a backwards pass
for envsum, and vise-versa.
See the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation for more information.
:param env: (n_atoms, n_sensitivities, n_features) floating tensor
:param sense: (n_pairs, n_sensitivities) floating point tensor
:param pair_first: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating first atom of pair
:param pair_second: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating second atom of pair
:return: feat (n_atoms, n_features) floating point tensor
n_atoms, n_nu, n_feat = env.shape
pair_env = env[pair_first]
# pair_feat = torch.einsum("psf,ps->pf", pair_env, sense) # einsum notation; should be completely equivalent
pair_feat = torch.bmm(sense.unsqueeze(1), pair_env).squeeze(1) # bmm
feat = torch.zeros(n_atoms, n_feat, device=env.device, dtype=env.dtype)
feat.index_add_(0, pair_second, pair_feat)
return feat
def _envsum_legacy(sensitivities: Tensor, features: Tensor, pair_first: Tensor, pair_second: Tensor) -> Tensor:
Original envsum implementation.
Computes outer product of sensitivities of pairs and atom features from pair_second,
whilst accumulating them onto indices pair_first.
See the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation for more information.
:param sensitivities: (n_pairs, n_sensitivities) floating point tensor
:param features: (n_atoms, n_features) floating point tensor
:param pair_first: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating first atom of pair
:param pair_second: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating second atom of pair
:return: env (n_atoms, n_sensitivities, n_features) floating tensor
n_pairs, n_nu = sensitivities.shape
n_atom, n_feat = features.shape
pair_features = features[pair_second].unsqueeze(1)
sensitivities = sensitivities.unsqueeze(2)
pair_env_features = sensitivities * pair_features
env_features = torch.zeros((n_atom, n_nu, n_feat), device=features.device, dtype=features.dtype)
env_features.index_add_(0, pair_first, pair_env_features)
return env_features
def _sensesum_legacy(env, features, pair_first, pair_second):
Original sensesum implementation.
Computes product of environment at pair_first with features from pair_second,
whilst summing over feature indices.
See the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation for more information.
:param env: (n_atoms, n_sensitivities, n_features) floating tensor
:param features: (n_atoms, n_features) floating point tensor
:param pair_first: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating first atom of pair
:param pair_second: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating second atom of pair
:return: sense (n_pairs, n_sensitivities) floating point tensor
n_atoms, n_nu, n_feat = env.shape
pair_env = env[pair_first]
pair_feat = features[pair_second]
sense = (pair_env * pair_feat.unsqueeze(1)).sum(dim=2)
return sense
def _featsum_legacy(env, sense, pair_first, pair_second):
Original featsum implementation.
Compute inner product of sensitivities with environment tensor over atoms
from pair_first, while accumulating them on to pair_second.
The summation order is different from envsum because this
signature naturally supports the use of featsum as a backwards pass
for envsum, and vise-versa.
See the :doc:`/user_guide/ckernels` section of the documentation for more information.
:param env: (n_atoms, n_sensitivities, n_features) floating tensor
:param sense: (n_pairs, n_sensitivities) floating point tensor
:param pair_first: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating first atom of pair
:param pair_second: (n_pairs,) index tensor indicating second atom of pair
:return: feat (n_atoms, n_features) floating point tensor
n_atoms, n_nu, n_feat = env.shape
pair_env = env[pair_first]
pair_feat = (pair_env * sense.unsqueeze(2)).sum(dim=(1,))
feat = torch.zeros(n_atoms, n_feat, device=env.device, dtype=env.dtype)
feat.index_add_(0, pair_second, pair_feat)
return feat
# Note: torch.compile functions always need to be wrapped because
# at least at the moment, AOT autograd does not allow double-backwards passes.
old_kernels = MessagePassingKernels(
_envsum_legacy, _sensesum_legacy, _featsum_legacy,
wrap=False, # Important distinction!
old_kernels_jit = MessagePassingKernels(
_envsum_legacy, _sensesum_legacy, _featsum_legacy,
old_kernels_compile = MessagePassingKernels(
_envsum_legacy, _sensesum_legacy, _featsum_legacy,
pytorch_kernels_raw = MessagePassingKernels(
wrap=False, # Important distinction!
pytorch_kernels_wrapped = MessagePassingKernels(
envsum, sensesum, featsum,
pytorch_kernels_jit = MessagePassingKernels(
pytorch_kernels_compile = MessagePassingKernels(
envsum, sensesum, featsum,