
Full Documentation for hippynn.experiment package. Click here for a summary page.

Functions for training.

class SetupParams(device: ~torch.device | str | None = None, controller: ~hippynn.experiment.controllers.Controller | ~typing.Callable | None = None, stopping_key: str | None = None, optimizer: ~torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer | ~typing.Callable = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, learning_rate: float | None = None, scheduler: ~torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler | ~typing.Callable = None, batch_size: int | None = None, eval_batch_size: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None, fraction_train_eval: float | None = 0.1)[source]

Bases: object

  • stopping_key – name of validation metric for stopping

  • controller – Optional – Controller object for LR scheduling and ending experiment. If not provided, will be constructed from parameters below.

  • Device – Where to train the model. Falls back to CUDA if available. Specify a tuple of device numbers to use DataParallel.

  • max_epochs – Optional – maximum number of epochs to train. Mandatory if controller not provided.

  • batch_size – Only used if the controller itself is not specified. Mandatory if controller not provided.

  • eval_batch_size – Only used if the controller itself is not specified.

  • scheduler – scheduler passed to the controller

  • optimizer – Pytorch optimizer or optimizer class. Defaults to Adam.

  • learning_rate – If an optimizer class is provided, the learning rate is used to construct the optimizer.

  • fraction_train_eval – What fraction of the training dataset to evaluate in the evaluation phase

All params after stopping_key, controller, and device are optional and can be built into a controller.


Multiple GPUs is an experimental feature that is currently under debugging.


alias of Adam

batch_size: int | None = None
controller: Controller | Callable | None = None
device: device | str | None = None
eval_batch_size: int | None = None
fraction_train_eval: float | None = 0.1
learning_rate: float | None = None
max_epochs: int | None = None
scheduler: _LRScheduler | Callable = None
stopping_key: str | None = None
assemble_for_training(train_loss, validation_losses, validation_names=None, plot_maker=None)[source]
  • train_loss – LossNode

  • validation_losses – dict of (name:loss_node) or list of LossNodes. -if a list of loss nodes, the name of the node will be used for printing the loss, -this can be overwritten with a list of validation_names

  • (optional) (validation_names) – list of names for loss nodes, only if validation_losses is a list.

  • plot_maker – optional PlotMaker for model evaluation


training_modules, db_info -db_info: dict of inputs (input to model) and targets (input to loss) in terms of the db_name.

assemble_for_training computes:

  1. what inputs are needed to the model

  2. what outputs of the model are needed for the loss

  3. what targets are needed from the database for the loss

It then uses this info to create GraphModule s for the model and loss, and an Evaluator based on validation loss (& names), early stopping, plot maker.


Model and training loss are always evaluated on the active device. But the validation losses reside by default on the CPU. This helps compute statistics over large datasets. To accomplish this, the modules associated with the loss are copied in the validation loss. Thus, after assembling the modules for training, changes to the loss nodes will not affect the model evaluator. In all likelihood you aren’t planning to do something too fancy like change the loss nodes during training. But if you do plan to do something like that with callbacks, know that you would probably need to construct a new evaluator.

load_checkpoint(structure_fname: str, state_fname: str, restart_db=False, map_location=None, model_device=None, **kwargs) dict[source]

Load checkpoint file from given filename.

For details more information on to use this function, see Restarting training.

  • structure_fname – name of the structure file

  • state_fname – name of the state file

  • restart_db – restore database or not, defaults to False

  • map_location – device mapping argument for torch.load, defaults to None

  • model_device – automatically handle device mapping. Defaults to None, defaults to None


experiment structure

load_checkpoint_from_cwd(map_location=None, model_device=None, **kwargs) dict[source]

Same as load_checkpoint, but using default filenames.

  • map_location (Union[str, dict, torch.device, Callable], optional) – device mapping argument for torch.load, defaults to None

  • model_device (Union[int, str, torch.device], optional) – automatically handle device mapping. Defaults to None, defaults to None


experiment structure

Return type:


load_model_from_cwd(map_location=None, model_device=None, **kwargs) GraphModule[source]

Only load model from current working directory.

  • map_location (Union[str, dict, torch.device, Callable], optional) – device mapping argument for torch.load, defaults to None

  • model_device (Union[int, str, torch.device], optional) – automatically handle device mapping. Defaults to None, defaults to None


model with reloaded parameters

setup_and_train(training_modules: TrainingModules, database: Database, setup_params: SetupParams, store_all_better=False, store_best=True, store_every=0)[source]

training_modules: see setup_training()


database: see train_model()


setup_params: see setup_training()


store_all_better: Save the state dict for each model doing better than a previous one


store_best: Save a checkpoint for the best model


store_every: Save a checkpoint for every certain epochs


See train_model()

Shortcut for setup_training followed by train_model.


The training loop will capture KeyboardInterrupt exceptions to abort the experiment early. If you would like to gracefully kill training programmatically, see train_model() with callbacks argument.


Saves files in the current running directory; recommend you switch to a fresh directory with a descriptive name for your experiment.

setup_training(training_modules: TrainingModules, setup_params: SetupParams)[source]

Prepares training_modules for training with experiment_params.


training_modules: Tuple of model, training loss, and evaluation losses (Can be built from graph using graphs.assemble_training_modules)


setup_params: parameters controlling how training is performed (See SetupParams)


  • sets devices for training modules

  • if no controller given:

    • instantiates and links optimizer to the learnable params on the model

    • instantiates and links scheduler to optimizer

    • builds a default controller with setup params

  • creates a MetricTracker for storing the training metrics



test_model(database, evaluator, batch_size, when, metric_tracker=None)[source]

Tests the model on the database according to the model_evaluator metrics. If a plot_maker is attached to the model evaluator, it will make plots. The plots will go in a sub-folder specified by when the testing is taking place. The results are then printed.

  • database – The database test the model on.

  • evaluator – The evaluator containing model and evaluation losses to measure.

  • when – A string to specify what plots are currently to be used.

  • metric_tracker – (Optional) metric tracker to save metrics on. If not provided, a blank one will be constructed.


metric tracker

train_model(training_modules, database, controller, metric_tracker, callbacks, batch_callbacks, store_all_better=False, store_best=True, store_every=0, store_structure_file=True, store_metrics=True, quiet=False)[source]

Performs training loop, allows keyboard interrupt. When done, reinstate the best model, make plots and metrics over time, and test the model.

  • training_modules – tuple-like of model, loss, and evaluator

  • database – Database

  • controller – Controller

  • metric_tracker – MetricTracker for storing model performance

  • callbacks – callbacks to perform after every epoch.

  • batch_callbacks – callbacks to perform after every batch

  • store_best – Save a checkpoint for the best model

  • store_all_better – Save the state dict for each model doing better than a previous one

  • store_every – Save a checkpoint for every certain epochs

  • store_structure_file – Save the structure file for this experiment

  • store_metrics – Save the metric tracker for this experiment.

  • quiet – If True, disable printing during training (still prints testing results).




callbacks take the form of an iterable of callables and will be called with cb(epoch,new_best)

  • epoch indicates the epoch number

  • new_best indicates if the model is a new best model


batch_callbacks take the form of an iterable of callables and will each be called with cb(batch_inputs, batch_model_outputs, batch_targets)


You may want to make your callbacks store other state, if so, an easy way is to make them a callable object.


callback state is not managed by hippynn. If your wish to save or load callback state, you will have to manage that manually (possibly with a callback itself).
